tecXL - Technik wie neu


tecXL is the orange premium brand for refurbished business laptops, PCs, displays and touch devices in the second life cycle. The focus of the product selection is in the area of mobile work devices, i.e. laptops and their kind. Clearly followed by standard PCs, minis but also workstations. In addition, as an IT refurbisher, we round off the program with displays, smartphones and tablets. At the same time, tecXL is more than just simple used goods - because our refurbished business PCs, laptops and the like are characterized by high performance, but also by excellent equipment.

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Company bb-net media GmbH

Address Lissabonstraße 4 97424 Schweinfurt

Refurbed Customer Support & Contact Telephone hotline 0800/700 12 10 E-Mail service@refurbed.de

Legal form GmbH

UID number DE 216841228

Company register number HRB 3873, district court Schweinfurt

Supervisory authority

Chamber affiliation Member of the IHK Würzburg-Schweinfurt

Trade and professional regulations Link to GewO: [if business according to trade regulations: https://www.ris.bka.gv.at/GeltendeFassung.wxe?Abfrage=Bundesnormen&Gesetzesnummer=10007517]

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