Jawoll Baby


Jawoll Baby makes discarded clothing usable again. The valuable material of damaged woollen jumpers can be saved through upcycling. Several Jawoll Baby pieces are created from one woollen jumper and even the smallest scraps are reused. Sourcing, design and production take place in Berlin. The natural material wool has many wonderful properties: it perfectly regulates the warmth so that your child feels comfortable at any temperature. Wool absorbs moisture without feeling wet. The fibre does not absorb odours or dirt. Cleaning and care are uncomplicated. Cuts and colours are designed for all genders. Jawoll Baby stands for an equal future for our children.

Tietoa myyjästä

Jawoll Baby e.U. Marksburgstraße 72 10318 Berlin Germany

Email: jawollbabyberlin@gmail.com Phone: 030 58900597

Tax identification number: DE340098364

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