


Hello, we are Mützenmafia!

An Ethical Fairfashion Brand based in Graz, Austria. All our products are made regionally (Austria & Slovenia) with love and selected materials.

The focus of our work is the resource-saving production of our products as well as the appreciation of our employees. We obtain our raw materials from controlled manufacturers, as far as possible regionally and sustainably, pay attention to recycled materials in our advertising and printed materials and send our packages CO2 neutral.

The company’s core belief is in supporting our local economy, manufacturing without exploiting labor, minimizing our environmental footprint, and preserving our cultural asset - handmade craftsmanship.

In our fabrics, we process dead stock fabrics. These are fabrics left over from overproduction by other companies. In the thought of upcycling and resource conservation, we process these fabrics and thus do not cause any new production.

Tietoa myyjästä

Poli GmbH Mützenmafia Volksgartenstraße 7 8020 Graz Austria

Email: office@muetzenmafia.at Phone: 0043 (0) 664 81 93 021

Tax identification number: ATU74220826 Commercial register number: 510057i

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