
The COLOP Group, headquartered in Wels, Upper Austria, employs about 550 people worldwide and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of modern marking solutions. The company operates successfully in 3 strategic business areas: traditional stamp products, creative stamps and electronic/digital products. As a pioneer in mobile printing with the e-mark®, COLOP has received many innovation and design awards since its market launch. The product has been continuously optimized since then and thus underlines the clearly stated business mission.

Tietoa myyjästä

Company name: COLOP Stempelerzeugung Skopek Gesellschaft m.b.H. & Co. KG
Display name: COLOP
Street: Dr.-Arming-Straße 5
Post code: 4600
City: Wels
Country: Austria

Phone: +436648475129

Tax identification number: ATU25075502
Commercial register number: FN 25588 f

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