


We have been on the market for 5 years now, from the very first day of creation of iT-Taste we are guided by the well-being of our customers, thanks to which we are still operating and able to develop.

So far, thousands of people have trusted our services. This is a result of hard, reliable and systematic work.

We can assure you that we are not only true experts at what we do but that we are a safe, trusted company when it comes to purchasing, repairing and upgrading your IT equipment.

Tietoa myyjästä

Company name: iT-Taste GmbH
Display name: iT-Taste
Street: Neumann-Reichardt-Str. 27-33, Haus 6 22041 Hamburg, Deutschland
Post code: 22041
City: Hamburg
Country: Germany

Phone: +49 (0)40 35718416

Tax identification number: DE313758376, IT00347839995
Commercial register number: HRB 147270

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