


Our company, WebDigital GmbH, is a responsible and trustworthy provider of high-quality, refurbished electronic products. We specialize in the reconditioning and sale of smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other electronic devices that meet the highest quality standards. Our team of experienced technicians ensures that each device is carefully inspected, repaired, and cleaned before being offered to our customers. By reusing electronics, we actively contribute to environmental protection while offering our customers a cost-effective alternative to brand-new products. Customer satisfaction and sustainability are our top priorities.

Tietoa myyjästä

Company name: WebDigital GmbH
Display name: WebDigital
Street: Kleiner Kielort 1
Post code: 20144
City: Hamburg
Country: Germany

Email: webdigital.gmbh@gmail.com
Phone: +4917634852654

Tax identification number: DE347063490
Commercial register number: HRB 171391

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